What is Corona Virus? ( Covid_ 19 )
The name is
(COVID 19)
It the respiratory system, such as influenza viruses of all kinds. In 2003, this virus caused a pandemic in China in the form of severe respiratory infections, and it was named SARS
And in 2012 the same virus caused many infections in the Arabian Peninsula in the form of severe respiratory infections and was called MERS-CoV
At the end of 2019, the Chinese authorities announced a limited outbreak of cases
Pneumonia in Wuhan, China. The virus that causes these conditions, known as the emerging corona virus, was isolated.
On February 11, the World Health Organization announced the new name of the virus, COVID-19, and the resulting disease was called SARS CoV2.
Since it is a respiratory virus, the infection is spread mainly by respiratory secretions, which are spread by droplets with coughing or sneezing.
The virus is initially transmitted from animals to humans and then from humans to humans by touching surfaces with the virus and then touching its mouth, nose or eyes
It remains active for 10 minutes on the skin and for 12-20 hours on surfaces
- It does not spread by air
- Additionally, it dies at + 30 degrees
1#Mild symptoms with no risk factors
(High temperature ≤ 38 ⁰ - dry cough - sore throat), no breathing or lack of oxygen is required. ”SPO2‟
Rest for 3-5 days at home without isolation
(Instructions for the patient and the companion) In the event of a deterioration in the case, it should be directed immediately to the hospital
Signs of deterioration: cyanosis - high temperature that does not respond to reductions - difficulty breathing - disturbance of consciousness
2#Mild symptoms with risk factors
(High temperature ≤ 38 ⁰ - dry cough - sore throat), no breathing or lack of oxygen is required. ”SPO2‟
7 days rest at home without isolation + associated risk factor treatment + follow-up visit to doctor after 3 days
(Instructions for the patient and the companion) In the event of a deterioration in the case, it should be directed immediately to the hospital
Signs of deterioration: cyanosis - high temperature that does not respond to reductions - difficulty breathing - disturbance of consciousness
3#Severe symptoms
(extreme temperature rise ≤ 38⁰ - difficulty breathing - hypoxia ”SPO2”)
Chest x-rays, blood images and sedimentation speed are required for the patient
In the event that the radiation or the patient's tests are positive, he is detained in the isolation rooms of the hospital
In the event that the x-ray or patient's tests are negative, he is kept in the hospital's regular rooms
:contacts and health service providers
This group was treated according to the severity of the symptoms
3#1.Mild symptoms
Chest x-rays, blood images and sedimentation speed are required for the patient
In the event that the radiation or the patient's tests are positive, he is detained in the isolation rooms of the hospital
In the event that the radiation or the patient's tests are negative, home insulation is applied
3#2.Severe symptoms
He is kept in hospital isolation rooms and required
Chronic chest diseases such as
1. pulmonary embolism, bronchial asthma and asbestosis
2. Liver diseases
3. Kidney disease
3. Kidney disease
4. cancer patients
5. Patients who take immunosuppressants
6. Pregnant women
7. The elderly ≤ 60 years
8. Diabetes
There is no cure until knowing this:
the Chinese government committee has recommended doctors give the drug AbbVie to HIV, called Kaletra, for patients who have been diagnosed with the new disease
1. Wash your hands with soap every hour for at least 20 seconds
2. Use hand sanitizer gel if soap and water are not available
3. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve
4. Put the used tissue in the basket immediately and wash your hands afterwards
5. Avoid close contact with people with symptoms specifically
6. Avoid public transportation
7. Work from home if possible
8. Avoid any social activities
9. Do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes without washing your hands
10. Maintaining a social distribution (minimum 1 meter)
11. Practicing respiratory hygiene
12. Doing sports at home 3 times a week
With the spotlight shed on 4 important countries, the first of the
Statistics of all countries of the world ACCORDING TO (WHO) IN 23 MARCE 2020